Produced by Niki Dankner
Photography and Videography by Joe Schmelzer and Neal Lett, Treasurbite Studio
Prop Style by Eileen Benkhe
Video Edit by Masha Badinter
"[One Kings Lane] stopped by for a tour of the company’s Fall River headquarters, where classic Singer sewing machines sit alongside state-of-the art tools in a wide-open, light-washed space. Matouk has come a long way since its founding in 1929, from a space in midtown Manhattan to a sprawling complex in an idyllic countryside setting. One thing that hasn’t changed? The brand’s focus on traditional craftsmanship. 'All of our sheets, all of our towels, all of the other products that we sell are always managed by artisans and craftspeople,' George says. And it’s important to him that the facilities in which his products are made are just as exceptional as the products themselves."
Read the full story here: